ICS's main products are bicycles, automobiles, and motorcycles. The manufacturing process includes machining, forging, and heat treatment. environmental impact.
Reduce the noise
With specialized equipment detecting the noise volume continuously, ICS also apply the nighttime measurement to minimize the noise effect to company workers and the surrounding neighbors.
Reuse the cutting liquid
All of the cutting liquids are managed concentrated. By setting the sedimentation system, the cutting liquid could be collected and cycled in the company, keep the deposit from the environment water system.
Recycle the scrap metal
Removed scraps from all process are collected by materials. With our specialized partners, scraps could be recycled and reproduction, extend the material utilization ratio.
Renew the working environment
By progressive improvement, various training, and regular audit, all of the members of us keep the same will to have a better working performance.
Replace the waste
Provide company restaurant, minimum the waste of one-time tableware and kitchen waste. Each Monday is set as The Vegetarian Day since 2011, replace the consumption of meat and decrease the carbon-dioxide emission in daily life.
The Vegetarian Day: Each Monday